Monday, March 4, 2013

Me, version 2.0

A friend of mine once explained his perception of his own transformation in life; that each time he consciously tried to better himself he was creating a new, improved 'version' of himself. Yes, he was in the IT field, and I believe when we met he was already onto version 7.0. He asked what version I currently imagined myself to be, and I couldn't answer him. I had nothing. Yes, I've grown wiser as I have continued to live a life of adventure, and I know that I have become a more compassionate and loving individual, but I really didn't have any benchmarks to which I could possibly measure my progress. I am constantly trying to improve myself, both emotionally and physically, but I have a terrible habit of not following through. I do however, excel at writing lists. Take a look at any one of the dozens of notebooks scattered around my loft and you will find hundreds, maybe thousands of lists of things that I intend to do TOMORROW. Pay bills, find exciting new recipes, actually take the dogs to the park more often, get an oil change, etc. I find that the activities on my list that might actually bring me happiness are most often forgotten and carried through onto the next days' list. Run two miles. Go to open meditation. Juice more. Stretch daily. Take more walks. Go to the beach. Go to the mountains. Go to the desert. Try a new restaurant every week. Sleep more, and better. Wake up early. Call my parents more often. Be more productive. I feel like this list could literally go on FOREVER.

No matter what approach I take, or how much motivation I can muster, I continue to allow these activities to be my lowest priority. As a result I often find myself often tired, lethargic, suffering from insomnia and headaches, etc. I spend HOURS researching how to improve my quality of life, and yet I never really follow through on any of the suggestions. I may try something for a day, maybe two, but when there is no miraculous 'cure' for my ailments I go back to searching the Internet for a better fix. A faster one. Something truly magical.

This weekend I will turn 31. This age has no special significance to me other than the fact that it has made me realize that I need to rearrange my priorities, once and for all. If I don't do it now, then when?

And so here I am. Beginning TODAY I will actively work toward achieving an improved version of myself. Version 2.0. And I will track my progress via this blog, even if I'm the only person who reads it. At least SOMETHING is holding me accountable. I've spent a great deal of time trying to narrow down my goals to a nice, round number (10 sounds nice, doesn't it?) but I've come to realize that these goals are going to be ever-changing. I have no crystal ball that can predict what life is going to toss my way in the next few months, but I will start with ten goals. And be specific with my goals. Each goal must have at least one action item. For instance, 'eat healthy' is a goal, while 'incorporate more whole foods' is an action item.

1. Tone my body and increase flexibility
2. Incorporate cardio into my daily routine.
3. Cut out processed foods from my diet.
4. Go out of my way each day to continue to build my relationship with my honey.
5. Simplify my beauty routine (I'm a product junkie, and I waste too much money!)
6. Turn off all technology for at least 20 minutes per day.
7. Reconfigure/redo my wardrobe (why don't I ever have anything to wear?)
8. Call my parents more often. There will come a day when I no longer have that opportunity.
9. Learn to set boundaries and be able to say 'no'.
10. Set a budget and stick to it.

Of course I have other goals - professional, personal, humanitarian....but these ten will be my focus for the next few months. You know, keep it simple, stupid.

I will share the results of all of my 'experiments' over the next few months. What works, and what you shouldn't waste your time and/or money on. Exercises, beauty products, dietary changes, clothing hits and misses, recipes, inspiration, and motivation. I welcome everyone to attempt this transformation with me! And as always, never hesitate to ASK ME ANYTHING. I'm a pretty open book, and not afraid to poke fun of myself. I love and appreciate everyone. We're all trying to figure out this crazy life together

So here we go. Goals set in place today: add 2 oz of apple cider vinegar and 2 Tbsp of pure coconut oil to my daily diet (yuck!). Day 1 of the 'Angry Russian' push-up challenge ( Begin once weekly treatment of applying pure coconut oil to my hair.

Below is a picture of my 'before' body. I may have been blessed with good jeans that keep me relatively thin, but lately I feel like a pile of dough. It didn't help when a certain 5 year old in my life told me that my skin was 'mushy'. Muscles, I will find you!! One day at a time.

Until tomorrow, sweet dreams.


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