Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sometimes life happens

I woke up this morning 12 minutes before I had to be out the door. Given the fact that I am a DISASTER in the morning, it's a miracle that I managed to pee, brush my teeth, and remembered to put all of the appropriate clothing garments onto my body. No time for coconut oil in my coffee or strange chia seeds in my tea, didn't even know how many push-ups I was supposed to do as part of my two week push-up challenge (btw I guessed, and treated myself to an extra six push-ups every hour :/ ). The day never slowed down once. I managed to steal some crackers from the baby, and a sip of water every now and then, but that's it. Holy bananas was I a disheveled, hungry mess. And then I talked to my honey, who told me that he had just found out one of his childhood friends had died during the night prior. I came home as soon as I could, wrapped him into my arms and snuggled for the evening. Day four and I'm already way off track. But know what? Sometimes life happens, and there is nothing that could ever be more important.

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